Japan Valve Manufacturers’ Association
Welcome to JVMA
(Toshiaki Nishioka, President and Representative Director, SANEI Co.)
A Farewell Message from the Former Chairman(June 30, 2023)
(Yasuyuki Hotta, Chairman and Representative Director, KITZ CORPORATION)
Manufacturers Search
If you would like to know our members' product-specifications, we expect you will make inquiries to each manufacturer. We, secretariat, do not have detailed infomation.
Our Association
1. History
Japan Valve Manufacturers' Association was established on March 21, 1954, with the participation of major domestic valve manufacturers for contributing to the expansion and advancement of the Japanese valve industry.
Since those early years, the association has implemented effective programs for the expansion of the valve industry by making continual adjustment to changes in the economic environment. As of 1st of July 2023, the association is comprised of 115 companies as regular members and additional 68 companies as associate members.
2. Organization
Under direction of the board of directors and the permanent post members committee, sectional meeting groups and several committees are organized. Those groups are devided into three specific fields - (general purpose) valves, automatic valves and faucet/flush valves. Committees are set up for the deliberation of important items to insure the implementation of various measures and programs.
3. Major Programs
- Cooperation and compliance with governmental measures.
- Standardization programs for ISO, IEC, JIS and JV (Japan Valve Manufacturers' Association Standard).
- Sectional meeting activities for information exchage, management programs and technical measures.
- Committie activities for management and technical programs, marketing issues and standards etc.
- Trade promotion through surveys of overseas markets, participation in exhibitions abroad, research, exchanges with the valve industries of many foreign countries and dispatching survey groups abroad.
- Publicity programs - Publishing Bulletin, General Market Condition Survey and Technical Review on a periodic basis. All documents are written in Japanese only. Furthermore, Seminars by experts in their fields on important topics related to valves from technical issues to managerial and business subjects. Lectures and discussions are performed in Japanese only.