A Message from the Chairman
I would like to offer a few words on my appointment as chairman of the Japan Valve Manufacturers' Association.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation on the activities of the Japan Valve Manufacturers' Association. Looking back, I made my debut as a member of the Faucet Section 30 years ago. In the 30 years since then, I have had the opportunity to interact with many wonderful people, and I have been taught by many senior members, who have guided me in my work and in my life. Time goes fast: next month, I will be 65 years old. I am not sure if I will be able to lead the younger members of the association as well as the wonderful seniors who have guided me up until now, but I will do my utmost to demonstrate my abilities and I gladly accept the position of chairman as a chance to repay the kindnesses I have received so far.

On 21 March next year, the association will celebrate its 70th anniversary. Over the past 70 years, our association has evolved wonderfully, protecting what we must traditionally protect and evolving what we must evolve. I believe that the most important thing is for all members to bring together their wisdom and power in order to honour this 70-year history and to ensure that the association remains a wonderful organisation for 80, 90, 100 years, or even forever.
Our main focus is the V70, and we hope to realise our initial target of 'what we should be' in March next year, and to enjoy the fruits of this achievement together with everyone. From this 70-year milestone, and under the new mid-term plan, we will further evolve, solidify communication with ministries and organisations even more, and aim to improve the status of our association. In addition, we will strive to improve our technology, including the establishment of standards, and to embody a meaningful industrial association that will serve as a strong support for our members.
In view of this, the product range produced by our industrial association is involved in all industries and infrastructures and is the cornerstone of 'fluid control.' It supports people's lives behind the scenes and aims to instil happiness. As we approach our 70th anniversary, we would like to make further contributions to society by consistently supplying products with the responsibility and pride of being a member of this important industrial association. The social environment surrounding us is evolving day by day. We would like to join forces with you to solve problems so that we are not left behind in this evolution. By all means, I would like to ask you all to give your full support and help us to become a great industrial association.
Finally, I would like to conclude my remarks as chairman by wishing for the continued prosperity of our member companies and to wish for everyone’s good health.